Why NFT's are the future of the world
From art to video games to investing, NFTs have disrupted many industries. Still, the full potential of non-fungible tokens has yet to be realized. New NFT projects are being launched daily by Twitter, Meta, Reddit, and investors, and new startups are investing heavily in NFTs. Read more!

From art to video games to investing, NFTs have disrupted many industries. Still, the full potential of non-fungible tokens has yet to be realized. New NFT projects are being launched daily by Twitter, Meta, Reddit, and investors, and new startups are investing heavily in NFTs.
So what does the future of NFTs look like? What industries will they disrupt next? And what NFT trends will define the years to come?
When everyday life is disrupted, and during times of crisis, innovation is often triggered. In 2008, the biggest banks knowingly gambled with their customers' money in high-risk investments, contributing to the financial crisis.
This disruption resulted in blockchain development, which helped transform a broken system. Blockchain is the engine or system on which all cryptocurrencies and NFT's are built.
The blockchain records all transactions to make changing, hacking, or cheating the system difficult, if not impossible. A decentralized approach also means that control and decision-making are no longer controlled by a single entity (individual, group, or organization) but transferred to a distributed network (group of people).
Transparency, accountability, and empowerment are critical elements of this revolutionary technology.
NFTs took 2021 by storm. We're seeing non-fungible tokens being adopted by industries as diverse as gaming, finance, art, and medicine, thanks to billions being traded and an active community behind the technology. In the gaming industry, blockchain game development is emerging as a revolutionary field, leveraging NFTs to create unique, ownership-verified gaming assets, enhancing player engagement and opening new revenue streams.
What are NFTs?
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets. It's easiest to think of them as a sort of digital certificate of authenticity. By providing proof of the authenticity of digital artwork, memes, and video game avatars, NFTs also play a critical role in the world of design and technology, making it easier for businesses to hire UX designers with proven credentials and experience.
Certificates of authenticity have long accompanied the purchase of luxury goods, collectibles, and artwork. In the same way that the title to a house serves as proof of ownership, these certificates serve as proof of authenticity.
You can't take a Mona Lisa painting to an art gallery claiming that you want to sell it. It would need to be authenticated, and you would have to show proof that it was legitimately acquired from the Louvre museum. Original artworks, first edition novels, and collectibles all have value due to systems of proof of purchase, a record of ownership, and a demonstration of authenticity.
By introducing NFTs development to the digital realm, proof of authenticity is now possible, secure, and part of the public record. Digital artworks, memes, and avatars in video games get new value because of this.
What makes an NFT special
NFTs are digital objects containing computer code and data which convey ownership of something. For example, online properties can be virtual properties in a virtual world or outfits in video games.
It might be something real: actual real estate, a painting, or a seat at a concert. Perhaps an NFT is a hybrid, as a San Francisco entrepreneur recently tried to lease out rooms in a communal living space without success.
What does fungible mean?
Fungible refers to the interchangeability and similarity of a good or commodity component.
The best example of a fungible good is money. As the five-dollar bills are fundamentally the same, you and I should be able to swap them without having any problems.
Non-fungible means are unique and irreplaceable since fungible means are interchangeable and indistinguishable. The reality is that most things in real life are non-fungible. Houses, artworks, cars, baseball cards—they are all unique. They are all non-fungible.
Prior to the advent of NFTs, most digital artifacts were interchangeable. The same file that the creator has is accessible to you and your colleagues if you download a funny GIF and post it into your Slack channel. The GIF is fungible. The GIF can be swapped and passed around indefinitely.
How do NFTs work?
Most NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain at a very high level. The Ethereum blockchain also supports these NFTs, which store extra information that makes them unique to other ETH coins. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency, unlike bitcoin or dogecoin, but its blockchain also supports these NFTs. It is worth noting that other blockchains can implement their versions of NFTs. (Some already have.)
To get to grips with the technical backend of Ethereum and the smart contracts that underpin NFTs, you need to understand Solidity programming, which is possible when you sign up for the RareSkills bootcamp. Additionally, it’s crucial to be aware of smart contract vulnerabilities to ensure the security and integrity of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.
What's worth investing in at the NFT supermarket?
There is a lot of interest right now in using the technology to sell digital art (e.g., sketches, music, your brain loaded into an AI).
Managing licensing and royalties for Music
Licenses for digital music are another so far unexplored application for NFTs.
In the past, listeners bought music of their favorite artists on CDs and permanently owned them. People can resell their physical copies of CDs if they become tired of them. A CD was considered a collectible whose value transcended its music content. Even if they copied the music before reselling it, the owner would lose the liner notes and images.
However, the rise of Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music has changed this model into one that is based on advertising and subscriptions. As a result, collecting albums has become less of an emotional experience.
NFTs can bring that collectability back to Music. NFTs can be issued by recording companies and artists for each album. Users can stream an album using an NFT as many times as possible. In addition to the lyrics, images, and other media, it can also provide value to album owners who cannot access them via subscription or advertising platforms.
Streaming rights for each album can be transferred to the new owner if users decide they no longer like a band. They may even make a profit if they buy the first album of a band before it becomes popular.
Unlocking equity and transferring ownership of the real estate
Real estate is another industry that can benefit from NFTs. Transferring ownership of property is highly complicated and costly today.
In contrast, NFTs allow a property owner to create a token representing their property, and this token serves as a contract between a seller and buyer. In a future defi app, investors will be able to use the token to extract equity from their homes. It would be far cheaper and more efficient than using a bank.
That's not all! Think about being able to afford a fraction of a home you could otherwise not afford. A non-fungible token can give you the ability to do just that. Keep track of your ownership percentage on a blockchain and benefit from the appreciation of its value.
The Metaverse
Metaverses for virtual reality are being actively developed by companies. The metaverse is essentially the internet brought to life through virtual worlds. Within metaverse worlds, you have a wide range of possibilities, such as designing your life, interacting with real people in virtual communities, designing your avatar, working, playing, and exploring new worlds.
With augmented reality glasses, virtual reality headsets, smartphone apps, and other devices, including virtual touch, you can experience life in a whole new way. If you have ever watched the movie Ready Player One, you are familiar with a metaverse. A virtual world is being imagined and constructed thanks to advanced artificial intelligence, the adoption of universal standards, and ever-increasing computing power. You and your children will be able to visit a metaverse, which will be like a silent film compared to the internet of today.
The future use cases of NFTs could be virtually endless
Although NFTs have only recently become popular, storing digital artwork on the blockchain is already a five-year-old concept.
The West is accustomed to taking things like proving ownership, certifying authenticity, and licensing for granted. Yet, our legal and governmental systems protect us due to their traditionalism and robustness.
The future use cases of NFTs could be virtually endless
Although NFTs have only recently become popular, storing digital artwork on the blockchain is already a five-year-old concept.
The West is accustomed to taking things like proving ownership, certifying authenticity, and licensing for granted. Yet, our legal and governmental systems protect us due to their traditionalism and robustness.