What are explainer videos, and how can they help your brand? - Podcast with Andre Oentoro from Breadnbeyond.com
Andre Oentoro is the creative genius and founder of Breadnbeyond and co-founder of Milk Whale. Both are awesomely creative companies that produce outstanding explainer videos and kick-ass infographics.

Andre Oentoro is the creative genius and founder of Breadnbeyond and co-founder of MilkWhale, both are awesomely creative companies that produce awesome explainer videos and kick-ass infographics.
Working with companies from more than 28 countries, Andre and his team produce awesome explainer videos that enhance their clients’ Internet visibility and marketing power, and help more and more internet users to avoid eyesores.
In this podcast, we speak with Andre Oentoro to understand all that is to know about explainer videos and how they can help you grow your brand.
Podcast with Andre Oentoro
So hi, guys. Welcome to the business and remote work podcast brought to you by Wishup. I'm your host, Crispino, along with co-founder of Wishup,
Mr. Neelesh Rangwani. And today, we are joined by Andre, who is
the founder of breadnbeyond. So welcome to the show, Andre.
Andre Oentoro
Hey. Thank you.
Nice. It's good to have you on the show with us. Yeah, Andre, I've been following breadnbeyond for quite some time now been collaborating with your team for backlinks and stuff. So it's been nice knowing you all.
But for our audience, could you start off by telling us a bit
about yourself and your company breadnbeyond?
Andre Oentoro
Thank you, Crispino. So, again, my name is Andre Oentoro. I'm the founder
of breadnbeyond. We are award winning video company based in
Indonesia. So I founded the company back in 2008. Initially,
this is just a graphic design company. We do all sorts of
things from logo design, company profile, website, and everything
in between essentially, but then we evolved into a full surface
explainer video company in 2009. Because of this nice client, he
asked us to do our first animated explainer video with
him. He's based in Boulder, Colorado, and since then, we
pretty much falling in love with explainer video.
Nice, it's always good to have that one nice client that gives you this
breakthrough, right?
Andre Oentoro
Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. We all need that kind of client.
Yeah. So Andre quick question, do you guys produce videos manually?
Andre Oentoro
When you say manually are we are doing everything from scratch, we are
not using any kind of template. So yes, that's manually but all
of our videos are computer assisted. So we don't like throw
everything frame by frame one by one that would consume a lot of
time. But what we are doing is that we use computer generated
animation. We use Adobe After Effects. That's one of the
current industry standard. And the computer helps us.
Got it. No, I asked this question because these daysthat ChatGPT and GPT3 have taken over the world. So I was just thinking whether someday
produced by AI.
Andre Oentoro
Yes, we haven't tried that one yet. But I really want to have something like
that. So where we can just, you know, like, upload our script,
this is what we want to do. And then the computer can generate
all of the animation. So we can have the videos like in minutes
and train the AI to do things that we really wanted to it's
it's it's really cool technology right now.
Then the world will go towards video spam.
Andre Oentoro
That depends, because creativity is something that AI cannot replicate right now, I still believe that with creativity, we can still have a
lot of prospects in the future of facilities.
Over to you Crispino.
So yeah, I'm just curious. So what are your main products? Like? What are the main video buckets that businesses use to kind of send
your message across to their audience?
Andre Oentoro
So our main products are animated explainer videos, most of our clients are using it to increase their conversion rates, putting it on their landing pages or about page of their homepage if they are not that sophisticated. What they really want our video to is to provide some sort of call to action at the end of the video to make sure that the viewers does exactly what they wanted. And because it's an explainer video, the best use case the use
these videos are when they have quite quite hard to explain products, something that most people cannot really understand
without the help of visuals, like what is cryptocurrency or what is blockchain? That's that's like the perfect use case
for this, this kind of product.
I have a question on that again. Maybe I'm scaling it fast. So So let's say from text websites, it went to image based websites, then it went to
explainer videos, do you think soon we will have live selling,
because in some parts of the world it has started and we're
also trying to implement it, like selling being, you know,
like, when somebody visits a website, instead of an explainer
video, there is a sales person who talks to the client right there.
Andre Oentoro
Yeah. So if we are talking about AI, I, I just read an article just earlier
today, where there is a service that enables someone to upload
one of their deceased family members, and then that AI will
help the to emulate that family members. So there is this case
where a grandmother is reading stories for her grandchildren
every night, but that's AI it depends on the angle that you're
looking at.
Okay, now I'm saying instead of an artificial intelligence, can it be a live
Andre Oentoro
If it is life human, I think there are a lot of people on Tik Tok that that
does that already. So they're, they're selling a lot of things
online, even with, I think most of the things that they're selling are standard, generic things like iPhone cases, or accessories, charger sets, that's something they can sell quickly and repeatedly. So theydo like, every after hour, and then they generate the most of these sales, they can generate a
lot of sales just by doing that. So that's why tiktoks thriving in in Asia.
Yeah. But okay, so that must be mass selling to a lot of people.
Andre Oentoro
Mass selling a lot of people. Yes. There's also a use case where they're doing auctions for for specific product, like action figures, or
collectible cards they do at auctions as well.
Andre Oentoro
You guys should be able to do that as well, I think.
Yeah, we are actually planning to do that. So we thought that, you know, how cool would it be that if we are able to replicate a physical experience of a store, on our website, whenever somebody visits the website, you know, suddenly a salesperson would pop up on the website, or we'll give them an option to click, like, you know, click here to talk to us live. Something on those lines we are trying to build on our website. Let's see how it goes. I find it interesting.
Andre Oentoro
Yeah, it should be something like um, so if you're watching YouTube, sometimes you can just minimize the videos and it goes to a corner of the screen, right? So you can use that corner of the screen to always have someone in the video to see the corner of the screen. And when you click on the screen, it will be enlarged. And you can talk directly. I think something like that would make you very unique.
Yeah, yeah I've been thinking about that for some time. We will probably try it out very soon.
Andre Oentoro
You should.
That is a great idea. Actually. Yeah. I think we've been speaking about this with Ajinkya. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, that will be a cool idea. Yeah. Awesome. So yeah, Andre wanted to ask you, so what platforms can these explainer videos be used on? Like, is it to, as you mentioned earlier already about the website, is it only for the website? Or can it be used for Facebook ads, and any other examples that you can give me of where your clients have used
these explainer videos and platforms that it has helped solve a problem?
Andre Oentoro
So I'm probably very biased on this because I'm an advocate of using explainer video for everything. So I've met a lot of different people organization I'm doing in 14 years of my years of breadnbeyond. You can use these videos offline and online. So if you're using this online photos, it can be ads. It can be on your website, it can be for increasing conversion, it can be for making sure that people understand what needs to be done before, let's say before they are doing a podcast, you can use it for onboarding couples as well. For offline purpose, you can use it to simplify your sales pitch, we have a lot of cases where our clients is asking us to create a one minute pitch from the usual 14 or 15 minute sales pitch. So it helps them to simplify their pitch. And then they can see the people
that they are talking to, and ask if they're interested in any specific parts of the pitch. And then they can spend more time to explain about that specific part rather than go all over again. So that that helps them to increase their sales cycle count from one to three. So around 200% increase in productivity.
Something else we could consider Neelesh. Yeah. So it really sounds interesting, Andre, but like I wanted to understand the thought process, like what are the key aspects that you consider while creating this explainer video of one minute, like, how do you get the right content for it?
Andre Oentoro
So when you say, the right content in explainer videos, it depends on how we are going to test and measure it. Because we believe that all these videos can be tested and measured. So we try to deliver as fast as possible. If this is for conversion rates, one of the use case that the often might use offline, so we make sure that we can deliver the video. And then we ask the clients to upload it, started using it, create a baseline, and then
let's see what makes people interested to purchase more. Because in the analytics, we can see where people are dropping, and when they are starting to click on the videos or click on the other buttons on the screen. And then we can see the heat maps. Take a look at what makes them tick. What makes them works, basically, and we can improve them. Yeah.
Basically analytics and testing?
Andre Oentoro
Yes, testing and measuring.
But again there would be some specific recipes for explainer videos that would always work for you, are there any some specific elements or recipes that you that you guys
Andre Oentoro
Right now what we believe works, is doing a have? problem and solution approach. This might sound a bit cheesy, because it was something that's repeated over and over and over again. But that's works. So that's why it was repeated over and over when we are talking about problem and solution is that we are talking about problem first. So the viewers, what is the problem's there, a lot of other people are happy right now making sure that we deliver the pain points exactly where it's where it is. And then we provide the solution to their pain points. If it's for a specific segment of customers, sometimes we have clients that ask us to do 6% or 8% of the same video with 10 or 15 seconds alter, just to make sure that it delivers a very specific point pain points to target a specific segment. That helps because when people see a specific problems and they see themselves in that situation, they would really want to know the answer. They will they want to know the solution. And when that happens, whom you can sell your product.
That's true Crispino I can relate to it. You know, we can relate to it. Those videos that we created on Facebook ads. We created a lot of videos Andre, these are not explainer videos. These are the videos where me and Crispino would pitch to a prospective client and all the videos that started with entrepreneurs problems that entrepreneurs are usually very occupied, or they are very busy, all those videos generate the highest quality leads for us so so I understand what you say.
Andre Oentoro
Yep. And that needs to be tested. Sometimes it works for you, it doesn't work for other people. So we don't really have a formula that can be used for all different companies. Yeah. But once we know the formula, we can try it again over and over.
Make sense, Makes sense. We should have explainer in our videos.
I'm just curious as to what kind of an explainer video would work for a company like Wishup? Like, what, what is something that we could put out there? If we had to, like, go.
Andre Oentoro
Okay, so first of all, usually, what I would ask through with it? is, what kind of people that you are targeting because there has to be a very specific industry that you're targeting. And if we are doing something that's laser focus, it will be easier for you to deliver a solution. And that's the pain points that your users might have. But that's one of the thing. And once we already have that specific pain points, we provide them with a specific solution. So most of the time, our clients, our software, or SaaS products, they have like seven or eight different features to have their product into ABCDEFG. But what we often remind them is that your clients doesn't need to be here and see all of the features that you have. The only need to see the best features or the top features that's useful for them. So think of explainer video as a movie trailer. When you're looking at a movie trailer, you don't want to see everything. You definitely don't want to see the end or spoiler. You you want to see enough. So you are enticed to see the whole movie, explainer. If it is the same thing. You don't want to listen to everything that a salesperson might deliver to you. But you just need to understand enough. So you are compelled to do the call to action, usually call the company or click this button. Yeah, you don't need to have everything on the video.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah. So Andre I'm just trying to like figure out like, I've seen a few explainer video companies out there. So like, what is kind of the USP of breadnbeyond as compared to these other companies that make explainer videos?
Andre Oentoro
Okay, so, the our USP, currently, we are flexible, some, some explainer videos studios that we've heard about, they have very specific so when they said they want to do this thing, it means that they are going to do that, and only that, but we understand that we have been working with so many different companies, organizations as well like United Nations and the World Bank, and they want to do things that are specific, specifically benefits them. Sometimes it can be delivering a video in two weeks or less. Sometimes it can be creating a 45 Minutes video, we we have done that several times. So one explainer video in a whiteboard video format for 45 minutes. That's that's very long.
It's like a small documentary.
Andre Oentoro
Yes, and apparently, that that very lengthy video was for this specific client and he reserved for two or three videos. So we can see that if it works for him. But I cannot say that it will work for everyone.
Yeah, for sure.
Andre Oentoro
Yeah. So I can say that we are flexible on that. And then we do all of this in house. We don't believe in using freelancers or hiring people that we don't really know about. Some of the explainer videos company that we know they just are they'll answer all over the world and then put them on SubCom site. We don't really believe something like that.
Neelesh: Yeah. So speed and quality.
Andre Oentoro
Speed, quality and flexibility, yeah.
What about the pricing model is it like, standard price depending on certain features, or if there's a pricing shift based on the type of videos and the customization that is required.
Andre Oentoro
So, for pricing, we make it quite simple. Our pricing is based on duration. So we have this, you need to pay this amount for the first minute. And then you need to pay additional for each 10 seconds after the first minute. But we also understand that not all companies have the same budget. And not everyone needs the same level of details. So we have three different tiers on our price list. You can choose one, either for, level one, or the best one that we often use for larger organizations, because they will have a lot of people in their team of wanting to do very specific things. So we will spend a lot of time managing the project and making sure that we deliver the details that they want.
Got it. What's like the starting cost for anybody wanting to make like a startup for many of our listeners and our clients or startups as well. So say if somebody wants to just use your service, what is the starting price of a one minute explainer video?
Andre Oentoro
Why now for oneminute, explainer video, it will cost you 22 US dollars.
Got it, makes sense. We will work out something in an affiliate programs well.
Andre Oentoro
Yeah, sure.
Yeah. Awesome. So Andre, how has it been your journey so far? Like how is
video creation evolved over time? You started off in 2008? What I gathered from my research, right? So how has it been like your journey so far?
Andre Oentoro
So I'm in terms of technology, it has evolved a lot back then in 2008. What we were using back then was Macromedia Flash. So I don't know if you heard about Macromedia. Yeah. So it was Macromedia Flash before it was acquired by Adobe I think Adobe acquired them in 2010. And then it evolves into Adobe Flash. And then after that, it becomes Adobe Animate. Right now we are mostly we're just using Adobe Illustrator and After Effects. And we also employ some of the animation from 3D software called Blender. That's the 3D software that we are using right now.
Got it. So, Andre, what do you see as the future for breadnbeyond? Like, we
started off the podcast with the Neelesh talking about AI. So where do you see breadnbeyond in the next five years? Like what do you predict the evolution will be and how will breadnbeyond cope up with it?
Andre Oentoro
So creating product like AI, something that we discussed earlier, a test were interesting to me, I, by now, I'm using at least testing a lot of different AI, software, as well as as well as Dolby and open AI to create different kinds of images. We haven't used this for production. So it's just for our internal users, for creating articles and so on, I really believe that AI is going to help us creating core part of our manual Well, I would say manual and tenure tasks, where you spend a lot of time but it's not something that you really enjoyed the most. Yeah, in animation, that still happens a lot. When you only you need someone Junior are dragging and dropping things or editing things. There's something that we have to automate. And if everything if so many things can be automated, then it's just you and your creativity that needs to figure out how to create the best product lines and I'm sure that it will, helps us to deliver a better product.
Yeah, that reminds me of something. Recently on Twitter I saw somebody on Open AI, they put in pink elephant with an umbrella. Pink Elephant with an umbrella something on these lines and open AI created four different versions for this for this input. You know in some of them it was like elephant was pink and it was holding an umbrella in some of them the Umbrella was pink elephant, like they created these different versions so that the artist can easily choose. Which ones they want to go with? Yeah, so I understand what Andre said. These mundane tasks which you want a person to work on? This could be done by an open AI, then you can do the higher level tasks on it.
Andre Oentoro
Yes, you can choose the best one. So it's like creating articles or creating blocks, right? We need to create several different titles like five or 10 different titles and then choose one because if you write blogs, and you only have like one title, it definitely is not the best that you can do. Yeah, but you can ask the AI to generate like 10-15 different titles and you
can choose the first one. Yeah,
Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Andre, for your time. I think the session was really helpful for me and Neelesh to understand explainer videos better. And I'm sure our audience is well would agree with us. So really, thanks for your time. So yeah, before you leave, I just wanted to ask you, is there any message for all the entrepreneurs who are considering to use explainer videos but who are not sure about it yet? So what would you say to them?
Andre Oentoro
Okay, so, for all of you that's looking on this podcast, and you want to produce an explainer video before the end of this year. Just send a message to our contact form on our website, and you will get a 10% discount.
10%. Fantastic.
Awesome, awesome and yeah, I'll put your link to the website, your website as well in in the description for the podcast. So if anybody has any questions, you can contact breadnbeyond directly.
Andre Oentoro
Thank you.
Awesome. All right. Thanks so much Andre
Thank you, Andre. Really nice talking to you. We learned a lot.
Andre Oentoro
Likewise, guys, thank you for the opportunity.