How to Stay Productive While Travelling for Work Business

Business travel can be a unique challenge, especially when it comes to staying productive. You're in a new environment, and it can be tempting to just kick back and relax. But work calls, and you need to be on top of your game. Don't worry, it's not as difficult as it may seem. With a little bit of preparation and the right approach, you can turn your business trips into opportunities for productivity and growth. In this blog, we'll show you how. From time management to healthy habits, we'll provide practical tips and advice to help you stay focused and on track while on the road. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just starting out, our goal is to make your travels as seamless and productive as possible. So pack your bags, grab your laptop, and let's get started.
Things to Do to Stay Productive During a Business Trip
Plan Ahead
Before you leave on your trip, ensure you have access to all your documents and other important files so that you don’t need to worry about them while away from home. You should also set up automatic reminders so important tasks don’t slip through the cracks.
A virtual assistant is a great choice for people who constantly travel for business. They can help you plan the perfect itinerary, find the best deals on travel and accommodation, and are always available in case of an emergency.
Read our blog to learn more about the benefits of hiring a virtual travel assistant.
Compile a list of contacts who can help if something goes wrong with your itinerary or other arrangements for your trip.
Stay Organized
A calendar is essential when trying to stay productive while traveling for work. It will help ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and allows you to manage your time more efficiently when juggling multiple tasks at once.
Use tools like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook to keep track of appointments and deadlines while on the road so that nothing slips through the cracks!
Delegate Before Leaving
Delegate, delegate, delegate. If you're traveling for work, there are probably things that you can't do while away from the office. If you're managing a team, you can't just leave them hanging. But there are some things that other people on your team can handle.
Before you go on a trip, make sure that everyone knows what they're responsible for while you're gone. This will help ensure that no one feels like they're left holding the bag while you're away and also allow them to ask questions if they need more information about what they need to do.
Co-ordinating with every single member of your team while you’re away can be a painstaking task. Instead, hire a virtual assistant and let them oversee ongoing projects and give you regular updates. That way, you can stay in-the-know on what’s happening on your office without actually having to check in with everyone individually.
Make Sure Digital Comms Are Set Up
Most people have become accustomed to using their phones, laptops, and tablets for all their communication needs in the digital age. This can be a great advantage for businesses when employees are traveling for work.
Some important considerations need to be made before you start using these tools on the road. Here are the main points:
- Make sure your devices are fully charged before you leave home;
- Turn off your phone and laptop notifications, so they don't distract you while driving or sleeping in a hotel room;
- Set up automatic replies so people know where you're at when they email or text you while you're away from the office;
- Keep track of time zones, so you don't schedule meetings at inappropriate times — especially if they involve international travel.
Think About Internet Access
When you're away from your office, you may lack access to the same level of Internet service that you're used to at home or in the office. If your business relies on cloud services or video conferencing, a slow connection can be a serious problem.
While there are some steps you can take to improve your online experience while traveling, knowing what you'll encounter and how much bandwidth you'll need for different activities is essential.
Here are some tips for staying productive while traveling for work:
- Pick The Right Hotel Room: If possible, book a room with wired Internet access — even if it costs more than other rooms. You may also want to look into upgrading your hotel room if you're not satisfied with its current speed;
- Use Public Wi-Fi: Try using public Wi-Fi hotspots instead of relying on hotel Internet connections that might be slow or unreliable. This can be especially useful if your room has no wired connection.
Pack Smart
Traveling for work can be an exciting and rewarding experience but also stressful and challenging. It's important to pack smart and stay productive during your trip so that you can focus on the task at hand: getting the job done.
Here are some tips for packing smart and staying productive while traveling for work:
- Pack clothes that match your work style. Bring a few casual outfits like leather jackets, blazers, etc., if you're heading to a casual office environment. If you're going to a formal event, pack some business-casual attire. This way, you won't have to waste time shopping once you arrive at your destination — or worse yet, have to send someone out to find something while they're still working on their project;
- Bring comfortable shoes with you on business trips. You never know when plenty of walking will be involved in your day's activities, so it's always good to have comfortable shoes packed in case the need arises. Plus, if your shoes don't match any of your outfits, then at least they'll match all of yours;
- Pack snacks that are easy to eat on the go such as granola bars or organic nuts. You might get caught up in meetings or other activities that don't necessarily allow for meal breaks.
- For businesses relying on digital tools, partnering with cloud consulting services can ensure seamless access to essential resources and enhance overall productivity while on the go.
Check for Hotel Amenities
When you travel for work, it can be frustrating to be away from your home office. But there are some simple things you can do to make the transition easier.
When on an extended business trip, do this checklist to ensure that your hotel stay is productive and comfortable for you and your team.
- Find out what's available in the hotel gym so you can plan workouts in advance;
- Check if there's a business center with computers, printers, and other equipment so you can print documents while traveling;
- Find out if the hotel has an area where you can have private phone calls without interruption. Many hotels have quiet lobbies or even separate rooms for private conversations;
- Find out if there's wifi access in each room. If not, ask about getting an upgrade to include it as part of your package price or a fee per night;
- Check if there are restaurants within walking distance, so you don't have to rely on room service or pay extra for delivery from outside businesses.

Be Mindful Of Time Zone Difference
If you're traveling to a different time zone and will be working there, it's vital that you know how your body reacts to jet lag. To avoid being tired during the day, try getting up early and going to bed early so your body can adjust quickly. You should also consider eating meals at the same time as you would normally eat at home. This will help prevent any disruptions in your schedule.
A good tip for adjusting quickly is by setting an alarm for an hour earlier or later than usual each day until your body adjusts completely to the new schedule. If possible, try not to take naps during the day as this may cause further disruption of your sleep patterns at night time.
Stay Focused On Getting Things Done
When traveling for work, it's easy to get distracted by all the fun activities that await outside your hotel door. It's also tempting to spend hours chatting with colleagues during meals or meetings — especially if they're on their smartphones too!
If you want to stay productive while traveling for work, try focusing on getting as much done as possible during these times instead of socializing with people who aren't doing anything but chatting about their weekends.
If necessary, set an alarm, so you have enough time between flights or meetings to shower and change into clean clothes before going out again. That way, you won't feel like a slob when meeting clients or attending dinner parties!
Stay Hydrated And Fed
This is especially important if you're going to be away from home for more than a day or two — dehydration can make people feel tired and sluggish, and skipping meals affects our ability to concentrate at work.
It's also crucial to keep yourself hydrated throughout your travels, especially when flying because airplanes are pressurized environments where water evaporates quickly from our bodies.
Set Aside Time To Work
One way to avoid disruptions while traveling is to schedule blocks of time each day so that other people know they can reach you only during those times. Then stick to those blocks like glue — don’t answer emails or phone calls unless there’s an emergency or if it’s part of your scheduled block of time, like during lunch.
Get Some Sleep
This may seem obvious, but sleep is one of the most important elements of productivity. And when you’re traveling, it’s even more important than usual because jet lag will throw off your body clock — making it harder to take advantage of your time in a foreign city by getting up early and working hard before others are ready to go out in their evening clothes.
Pack Earplugs And Eye Masks
Packing earplugs and eye masks will ensure that no light gets into your room at night when other people may be sleeping nearby. Earplugs will also block out any noise from outside, making it easier for you to fall asleep regardless of where you are in the world.
Fit In Some Exercise
If you have time in your schedule, fit in some exercise while traveling. You don't have to go overboard — even a few minutes of walking around during your break will do wonders to keep your energy levels up when it's time to get back to work. If possible, try to schedule exercise time into your day and stick with it as best as possible.
If you want to stay productive while you're on the road, these tips are a great place to start!
According to a recent survey conducted by Avenga, a leading provider of IT services, 80% of business travelers report feeling stressed about their productivity when on the road.
This highlights the need for effective strategies for maintaining productivity while away from the office.
Remember that staying productive while traveling for work is all about having the right tools and mindset. You can't just expect it to happen; you have to make it happen.
Whether you're going on a business trip or taking your first vacation as a parent, it's important to find a balance between work and play. After all, these moments in life are what we'll cherish the most when they're over—so take some time to enjoy them!